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Will people pay you for what you do?

Most Start Up's Fail In The First 2 Years Due To Underfunding

We like a lot of things, but can we make money doing it? If you can’t make money off of it, you’re life is really going to suck. Let’s not go down that route. For right now as your brainstorming about what you could do, remember one other big thing. Most start-up businesses fail in the first two years due to being underfunded. Let’s not go down that route either. 


How Much Money Do You Have?


Starting a business sounds like preference, until you start working on the logistics. It cost money to open, sustain, grow and maintain a business. So right now, how much money do you have? Out of the money that you have, how much of it are you willing to risk starting a business and keeping it open long enough to break even?

Ok, I know I lost you. Right now if you are reading this article you are likely stressed out, burned-out, just got off a nursing shift from hell and are looking for a escape route or just dreaming about having a business. It’s definitely fun to think about isn’t it? Especially after a day from hell in the ER. You can be your own boss, in control, pay yourself and work when you want.

Taking a few baby steps back, I’m going to quiz you on more basic concepts related to having your own business. Have you ever tried to sell anything in your adult life? In the business you are dreaming of right now, you are either going to sell products or sell a service. If you have never sold anything in your entire life, I strongly recommend getting that experience first, before you start pouring your life savings and a lot of work into your own business. In other words, make sure you like it so you don’t get into another job like nursing that makes you want to put your head through concrete on most days.

The good news is, getting any kind of business experience is pretty easy. You don’t need years of selling experience either just to make sure you can do it. My recommendation is to find something to sell for three to six months through another company. When you do, that company can be a big asset to you with free training on how to sell their products. That knowledge can be quickly applied to your own business in the future.

My strongest company recommendation to gain selling experience is through Avon because it’s a household name and offers a 50% commission, which is one of the highest in the industry. However, you can certainly get a similar sales experiences though other companies such as Pampered Chef, Pure Romance or the hundreds of other direct selling companies available.


By now, you should understand that no matter what kind of business you want to start, you have to have money and certain skills that are not nursing related. Nurses, have a tendency to float off in thinking about only nurse types of businesses, such as being a NP with their own clinic.  This is likely due to stress and burn-out with nurses seeing that having a nurse business as a way out of a toxic work setting. However, before you start spending the time and money getting that MSN, NP license and second mortgaging your home to open a clinic, make sure that you are doing it because you want that type of business rather than doing it solely because you just don’t know what else to do.

With that said, I’m happy to hear that you are thinking about starting a business and Nurse Hangout is here to help you make the right choice. Take a minute to join the free Marketplace at Nurse Hangout. The Marketplace is designed as a Nurse Ecosystem where all nurses have their own business and buy and sell from one another so that every nurse makes extra money. The Marketplace is free to join and will be a major financial asset to you once the business you started is live. If you decided to join Avon or similar companies, those business count so be sure to let everyone in the Marketplace know they can get those products directly from you.

$3,250 Or More With Avon's 50% Commission Structure

Get just 130 nurses placing $50 or more in a campaign (2 week period) and you earn a 50% commission — $3,250! It’s free to join Avon and no inventory is required. Excellent digital tools including a virtual try on tool! Digital Avon book, free email list marketing by Avon plus the Avon books are available for a low cost optional purchase. It only takes a few minutes to become a rep! Join now! Nothing to loose!